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Publishing, Academy, science, education, publishing, Literatops, publications, journals, publications certification, NAVIGATOR OF PROGRAMS

We publish books of all kinds and genres after professional reviewing of the original manuscripts (British ISBN).

We also publish 12 specialized scientific journals (British ISSN) which contain: 1) materials of our own scientific events; 2) materials of the third-party (external) scientific events organized not by the Academy, but by other initiators; 3) papers and reports of individual scholars (after professional reviewing).

When publishing any types of books and periodicals the Academy offers a complete list of necessary publishing services: designing, layout, proofreading, scientific and literary editing, reviewing, illustrating, prepress (pre-printing) and creation of the final original-layouts (Camera-ready) for printing the works in any publishing companies and printing houses of the world.

If necessary, the Academy can accept orders for certain types of publishing services only, as well as orders for services that are closely related to publication of literature (printing of editions, shipping, presentation, distribution, sale of books and journals).